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By Paige Jones Outreach

Google Analytics Roundup: Tips and Information for Financial Advisors

5 minute read
Google Analytics Roundup: Tips and Information for Financial Advisors Featured Image

The daunting Google Analytics … it’s intimidating, we know. But, Google Analytics is a great way to determine if your website is working for you, if it is compelling your prospects to take the next step and if you are actually connecting with your clients. Google Analytics provides over 10,000 metrics on your website activity, including who is finding you online, how they find you, and what they do once they land on your site. It’s crucial to monitor these important metrics through Google Analytics to see how you can improve your advisor site. It’s never too late to learn how to use analytics to step up your marketing game, so check out this roundup of Google Analytics articles to set you on the right track. 🙌

1. Back to the Basics: Google Analytics for Financial Advisors

This article breaks Google Analytics down to bare bones. In this article, we give you a foundation on how Google Analytics works, what data it can provide about your website and the most important metrics it can produce for financial advisors. Even for Google Analytics beginners out there, you’ll hit the ground running in no time with this article.

Google Analytics Basics for financial advisors

2. Google Analytics for Financial Advisors (Webinar Replay)

In this tutorial, we discuss the most important metrics you should be monitoring as a financial advisor and how to make changes based on the data. Numbers are important … but what’s more important is what you do with them. How can you apply the data you get from Google Analytics to your financial advisor business? Listen to the webinar to get some tips.

what metrics matter most webinar for google analytics for financial advisors

3. Google Analytics for Financial Advisors – Your Questions, Answered

At this point, we all know the importance of analytics, but that doesn’t make using it easy. This article goes over some of the most commonly asked questions from financial advisors about how to use Google Analytics to create a performance-driven website

Financial advisors questions about google analytics, answered

4. 10 Questions About Your Marketing Google Analytics Can Answer

Google Analytics provides website owners with over 10,000 metrics to help analyze how your website and digital marketing is performing. However for most financial advisors, there are 10 basic questions you’ll have that you can look to Google Analytics to answer. Read this article to find answers. 

10 marketing questions answered by google analytics

5. Google Analytics – Which Metrics Should You Monitor? (Webinar Replay)

This tutorial covers the most important metrics you should be monitoring through Google Analytics as a financial advisor. Through watching, you’ll learn how to find who is visiting your website, how they are finding it, and what they do once they get there. You’ll also learn the most important metrics to monitor, how to compare those metrics to other financial advisors and how often you should be monitoring and adjusting.

which metrics should you monitor through google analytics? webinar replay

6. Google Analytics Referral Spam – What You Need to Know

It’s pretty obvious by now that we ♥️ Google Analytics and think it’s important for every financial advisor to use. But what about when data from Google Analytics is skewed by spam? Well then it’s not so great. In this article, we cover the basics of Google Analytics referral spam, the different types, what to be aware of and how to combat it.

google analytics referral spam


7. Conquering Google Analytics for Your Business (Webinar Replay) 

In our most recent webinar, we discussed how to use Google Analytics to improve and truly measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts and online presence. We’ll introduce you how to set up Google Analytics, cover their top metrics to monitor, geo location, top content, visitor journey, and benchmarks for financial advisor websites. Click below to watch the replay or download the slides here.

Mastering Google Analytics Webinar Replay

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