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By Blair Kelly Company

Meet the Team: Perla Ordonez

8 minute read
Meet the Team: Perla Ordonez Featured Image

Perla Ordonez

For this month’s “Meet the Team” blog, we caught up with Website Designer, Perla Ordonez. From website projects to revisions and more, she is such an integral part of our website development process.

To find out more about Perla’s two fur babies, the apps she can’t live without and what her perfect day would entail, check out the rest of the blog. 

First things first, where are you from, and where do you currently live? What’s your favorite part about where you live?

Originally I’m from Los Angeles, California. My family moved to Kansas City, Missouri when I was very young and I’ve been here ever since. Kansas City has that small town feel with big city amenities, and that’s honestly what I love about it. The food and music scene are really booming right now, but the people are what really ties everything together.

As a website designer, you play such a critical role on our team, helping advisors to create beautiful, compliant websites. Can you tell us more about your role and how you got started in this field of work?

I started my journey by attending an introductory programming series for women in Kansas City, and at the time I was working as a pharmacy technician and I just felt like I needed a change of pace. Through this awesome program I taught myself how to code and eventually refined my skills with a coding bootcamp. I took on clients and worked on various projects before landing my first job post graduation as a web design intern for Twenty Over Ten. One thing led to another and here I am, still with the company and loving what I do. 

Can you describe a typical day at work? Do you have any routines that keep you focused and motivated, especially when working remotely?

My typical day at work always starts with cuddles from my two fur babies (Chewy and Pie). From there I’ll make coffee and take a few minutes to journal and declutter my mind so I can better focus on the tasks at hand. No two days are the same, some days it’s a new website project or revisions paired along with team meetings or kick off calls with new clients. If I find myself stuck or unmotivated I simply walk away from whatever I’m doing. I’ll go outside, walk my dogs, or simply take my things to a coffee shop.

Perla's dog

As a web designer, there are so many different trends and techniques surfacing everyday. How do you keep up with it all?

Lots and lots of research. My go to sites for inspiration are Pinterest and Dribbble. At the start of every project I like to review my client notes and take a day to research design ideas for this new project.

If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which ones would they be and why?

  • Pinterest
  • To-Do list
  • Apple Music

I definitely need my Apple Music, whether I’m cooking, at the gym or just relaxing. I like to have some type of music in the background. I love Pinterest because it helps me with design ideas, DIY projects and even dinner inspiration. There’s not a day that I don’t use my To-Do List app, it helps me keep organized not just at work but with day to day errands and tasks. 

What was the first paying job that you ever had?

The first job I ever had was in high school working as a cashier at my local Walgreens. I loved it so much I made my way through all the different roles they had to offer, photo specialist, shift lead and even pharmacy technician.

As a coffee-lover, what’s your “go-to” order?

My go to order has to be the honey almond milk cold brew from Starbucks. I don’t like my coffee too sweet so this is just perfect, happiness in a cup!

Describe your perfect day, either at work or outside of work.

I would say my perfect day outside of work is sleeping in, grabbing brunch with my sister, taking my dogs to the dog park and reading a book. Something relaxing and laid back.

We’re sure it’s hard to pick just one, as you have worked on over 65 websites, but are there any that really stand out to you? What aspects of the site or the process made it really memorable?

The site that comes to mind is one I worked on recently, Shades Creek Wealth Advisors. They had just moved into a new office space and really wanted their new website to take their clients on a journey through their office without actually being there. The pictures they had sent over for inspiration were just fresh and modern, so I took that and ran with it. Everyone on the team was very hands on when it came to revisions and just really helped to keep the project moving. Easily one of my favorite projects to have worked on.

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About the author

Blair Kelly

Blair is a digital marketing assistant at Twenty Over Ten and has a passion for uncovering what drives online traffic and the highest engagement. She follows more animals on Instagram than humans and her greatest achievement is her daughter, Grey.

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