Happy Valentine’s Day from Twenty Over Ten! Our team is always motivating each other to pursue what we love on a daily basis. With the growing use of technology, websites and apps are changing the way we live our daily lives. Are there any web apps or sites you love? I’m sure there are many, and if you are anything like our team, you probably discover new ones to add to your list regularly! Today we’re sharing a little bit about each team member and the apps & websites they love to use (or simply cannot live without!)
The Websites & Apps Our Tech Team Loves
Matt Lawrenson, Design
“The websites I love to use are Designspiration.net, Logoed.co.uk, Underconsideration.com, and Netflix. All are good design resources, and Netflix is just Netflix.”
Mary Thibault, Digital Marketing
“I’m a huge fan of Maven Clinic. It’s essentially a health & wellness app for women that allows you to speak with health professionals via video chat. It’s pretty much a virtual health clinic but it also has a really great community built into it through free forums where you can chat with other users and ask questions. I’ve used it a few times now since it makes the process of seeing a specialist a lot more accessible.”
Geoff Muskett, Design
“Strava– It tracks your runs (and rides), tells you how far you went, how fast, the elevation etc. It’s also competitive, there are sections where it ranks your speed on a leaderboard. Bit of a social network for exercise junkies.”
Ed Russell, Project Management
“My favorite apps/websites are: Garmin Connect, Facebook, Waze, My Fitness Pal, My Zone.”
Ryan Russell, Co-Founder
“IMDB: Always there when I need to know what I’ve seen an actor in before.
Spotify: Why not have a playlist for your day.
Headspace: This one I’ve just started getting into. It’s an app that gives you guided meditation. Think meditation sounds easy (why would you need an app to assist you)? It’s harder than it sounds…give it a try.”
Emily Matyas, Digital Marketing
“I use the Google Drive and iCloud App a lot. They keep my organized – I don’t know how I would be able to work on group projects without them!”
Lauren Keeports, Digital Marketing
“My favorite app is Venmo– it makes it so easy to pay others or request people for money (perfect for when you need to collect rent money from your roommate or split a check at dinner!). I also love Houseparty (which allows multiple people to Facetime at once!)”
Nicole Skalamera, Digital Marketing
“There really are so many to choose from, but I’ll narrow it down to my top 3 apps. 1) Uber– I am an avid user of Uber and find it to be so convenient no matter what city you’re in. 2) RunKeeper– This is especially great for me in the summer, because I love running outside and keeping track of how much I run throughout the weeks. 3) Google– I couldn’t live without the Google Calendar and Drive Functions… My favorite way to stay organized and on task.”
Chelsea Casareale, Design
“An app I’m loving at the moment is Headspace. I made a New Year’s resolution to meditate and be more “mindful.” Headspace helps me keep on track by reminding me to actually meditate and then helps guide me through it as a newbie.”
Robert Pitrovich, Design
“Instagram! It’s perfect for inspiration and killing time!”
Nick DiMatteo, Co-Founder
Caviar – Great for ordering food from my fave restaurants and having it delivered to my door.
Spotify – Used daily, both for long car rides and getting work done!
Sublime Text – Coding, coding, coding.
awwwards – Great place to get inspiration for the latest web trends
CSS-Tricks – Awesome resource for web development best practices and discussion.”
Samantha Russell, Digital Marketing
I couldn’t live without the podcasts app. I am addicted to podcasts – I listen to them while I get ready in the morning, while making dinner, while working out – you name it. I also really love the NPR one app – it makes getting my daily news a breeze during my morning commute. If you have the apple watch, the Activity app on your phone is also addicting – tells you your daily calories burned, heart rate, steps per day, etc. It also buzzes when you’ve been inactive for too long – it really helps remind me to get up and take a water break when I’ve been concentrating on a project for too long and haven’t moved!
For work, I really love using SERPS, Google Search Console, and Google Analytics to learn how people are finding Twenty Over Ten, what our most popular content is, and who our top referrers are. They all offer great daily SEO insights and data for future marketing decisions.
We hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about our team. Did you find any of these websites or apps in common to what you use? Maybe you may even feel inspired to try some of these out. From our team at Twenty Over Ten, we hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day filled with love!
Get to Know Our Team In Our Meet the Team Posts: Ed Russell & Nick DiMatteo.
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