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By Blair Kelly Webinars

Webinar Replay: The Daily Digital Marketing Schedule Proven to Work for Financial Advisors in 2021

9 minute read
Webinar Replay: The Daily Digital Marketing Schedule Proven to Work for Financial Advisors in 2021 Featured Image

In this webinar, Chief Evangelist of Twenty Over Ten & FMG Suite Samantha Russell discusses the importance of maintaining a regular digital marketing schedule so that you can keep your marketing pipeline full with quality content and less stress. 


  • What do you need to do both weekly and bi-weekly for maximum impact? 
  • Engagement boosters for social media
  • Proven ways to ensure that your emails get opened
  • What to update on your website and blogs for improved lead conversions

Common Marketing Plans And Schedule Challenges [2:07]

  • Tempted to be all things to all people and everywhere: No Niche
  • Not using the right or any tools to help push out content: Everything is Manual
  • Not having enough time or staff to execute: Marketing is Pushed to the Back Burner
  • Not knowing what content to share or how to be relevant: No Strategy=NO ROI

What Should You Do Weekly?[4:07]

1. Source New Content
Share this via social media and email. Every week choose two platforms that you want to prioritize. If you serve a particular niche, you may find that they are more active on a particular platform, and this is where you should be spending more of your time. If you spread yourself too thin on every platform, you won’t post such quality content.

2. Post to Facebook
Post one time per day.
Facebook now has 2.8 billion active monthly users. What’s, even more, is that there are 1.84 DAILY visitors, so as an advisor, it’s important that you are on this platform and expanding your digital marketing efforts.

3. Post to LinkedIn
Post one time per day.
LinkedIn is your most “professional” platform, so ensure that you are catering to your audience in the types of content that you are posting. 

4. Post to Twitter
Post up to ten times per day.
The average lifespan of a tweet is 15 minutes, which is quite short! So, it’s okay to post on Twitter more than the other platforms, as tweets move so quickly. 

5. Post to Instagram
Post one time per day and add to stories at least 3 times per week.
Instagram is a highly visual platform, so it’s a great place to post images, graphs and showcase short videos on your stories. 

6. Leave 5 Comments Per Day on Other Peoples’ Posts: Comments are currency. When you get comments on your posts, then you will get more exposure and more people seeing your posts. The algorithm prioritizes posts with comments.

And to get more comments, you need to leave your own comments, as well. Leave ones that are more open-ended, as this is a better conversation starter. 

Being social on social media is how you’re going to actually grow a following.

7. Send a Weekly Newsletter
Email marketing is still one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to turn prospects into clients, so make sure that you are communicating with a weekly newsletter. In fact,
86% of business professionals prefer to use email when communicating for business purposes and 59% of B2B marketers say email is their most effective channel in terms of revenue generation.

So, make sure you are implementing a newsletter into your marketing as this is a simple way to reach thousands of people with a single click. You can share blogs they may find useful, videos, announcements, relevant and timely content, etc.

4 Social Media Types [12:56]

Photo/Image Post: You should summarize the key points, upload the photo onto your post and then share it. Share the “gist” of what you read without having to share the actual link. 

Link Out: You are sharing a link…maybe to an event or conference that you are attending. 

Native Post: Everything you are putting in your post is going to keep people on the platform without having to click away.

Reshare from Company Page: Every person in your office should be cultivating their own brand, but encourage them to also share posts from the company page. 

4 Types of Social Posts

Boosting Engagement: 

Tagging people is a great way to get more engagement on your posts. And when used correctly on LinkedIn, hashtags are great for engagement

You don’t want to post the exact same thing at the same time across your platforms. Change up the wording or when you post it. It comes off as “spammy.”

What Should You Do Bi-Weekly?[24:58]

Create one new piece of original content

Create your own or check out the Content Assist library. You want something that is going to direct people back to your website or blog. 

Email prospects

Write timely content on current events. By doing this, you are providing them with timely information and it shows that you care about providing them with information rather than selling your products. 

Add new content to your website

Continuously adding engaging content is important to not only boost your SEO rankings but show that you are an expert and a thought-leader in the industry. This can include:

And remember that repurposing content is a great way to stay on schedule. If you have created a podcast or a video, you can easily turn this into a blog post, as well. It’s a great way to get more “legs” out of your content and save you time, as well. 

When you post a video on YouTube, it’s a great idea to also transcribe the video on a blog post with the video embedded, this will help your podcast or video be seen by more people. So, it will boost your analytics. 

Planning your Editorial Calendar [36:00]

Once you have the content to upload, it’s great to have a social media scheduler. But while you’re planning, we use Google Calendar to see what blog posts are coming up, who needs to write them, etc. 

So, until you have the thing to actually schedule, this is a great way to plan as your team. 

There are tools that can help including Lead Pilot.  You can find out more and schedule a demo right here: https://leadpilot.io/. And while tools help, it’s a team effort when it comes to automating and seeing the types of results that you want. 

Marketing Efforts Need a Boost?

From content creation to meaningful social media posts, download this digital marketing schedule and start streamlining your efforts.

Download Your Calendar Template

About the author

Blair Kelly

Blair is a social media and marketing coordinator at Twenty Over Ten and has a passion for uncovering what drives online traffic and the highest engagement. She follows more animals on Instagram than humans and her greatest achievement is her daughter, Grey.

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