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By Savannah Brunette Outreach

Five Little Things for Your Monday: January 29, 2018

7 minute read
Five Little Things for Your Monday: January 29, 2018 Featured Image

May your Monday be full of new beginnings and lots of coffee! This week we’ve rounded up the best recent marketing news and took a deep dive into how you can better connect with prospects. Read on to learn more about generation segments, social media, and email marketing.

1. Engaging Your Gen X Clients via ETF Database

They are often overlooked. In between baby boomers and the highly talked about Millennial generation are the ignored Gen Xers.

Born between 1965 and 1980, they are frequently called the underappreciated middle child of the generations. While they currently only make up a quarter of the U.S. population, they have more spending power than any other generation, representing 31 percent of total U.S. income.

According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, by 2028 the number of Gen Xers will exceed the baby boomer population.

How are you connecting with this generally underserved market?

etf database how to engage generation x

2. 5 Things You Need to Know About Gen C via Social Media Today

For the last several years, Millennials have dominated the news, especially in marketing. Everyone wondered: what do they want to buy? how do you connect with them? where do they spend their time?

But in reality, if you’re only targeting Millennials with your marketing campaigns, you are missing the biggest piece of the pie. You should open your marketing campaign up and reach more people by marketing to Generation C.

Yes, that’s right. There’s a new generation out there, and it’s called Gen C. Here’s what you need to know about this new “generation.”

social media today;s take on generation c

3. 5 of the Worst Things You Can Do on Social via SEI

During this month, when everyone is setting resolutions for things they should be doing for 2018, I think it’s a good time to also list some things you shouldn’t be doing…on social. Social is an ever-changing environment, but some rules always apply. These are just a few of the ones I feel are the worst offenses:

1. Engage with a belligerent individual/Delete negative comments. 

No one likes a public shaming, obviously. But you may find yourself in the position of dealing publicly with a negative comment.  Though your first instinct may be to delete the post, or go into defense mode, it’s best to take a second and breathe. Deleting the post could give the impression that you have something to hide to anyone who may have already read it.  The better option is to address the comment head on with a simple message such as: “We are sorry that you had a negative experience with our firm. May we contact you offline to discuss the matter further?” This proactive approach shows your followers that you take negative feedback seriously and you are willing to address issues to prevent them from happening again.

SEI's list: what not to do on social media

4. Creating Killer Content for Social Media via Twenty Over Ten

Working with hundreds of advisors on social media marketing we’ve come to learn a few things and we get asked a lot of questions. One question we’re asked a lot is “what type of content so I share on social media?” Valid question!

When diving into the social media pool it’s important to remember that your audiences on each channel are going to be different. Which also means the content you share may be different across each channel – and that’s okay.

For example, if you take a look at the Twenty Over Ten Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, you’ll see that we post completely different things on each platform. But how do we decide what to share on which platform? Read on to learn exactly what types of content you should be sharing across popular social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Killer social media content for advisors

5. Email Marketing Automation: Systematize Your Financial Business via AdvisorPR

Email Marketing Automation (EMA) refers to a variety of tools and mechanism that help to automate ongoing conversations and the seamless delivery of content to your clients and prospects. EMA is traditionally used for a welcome or nurture sequence, which can include tailored messages specifically to your list’s interests. EMA has become a prevalent and growing business strategy due to how efficient, scalable and convenient it makes managing prospect and client communications.

Is Email Marketing Automation Right for Your Financial Business?

As a financial advisor, you are in a highly-competitive marketplace, and having the time to follow up with all your clients and prospects consistently can be a challenge. Some of the benefits of email marketing automation to consider:

Saves time, energy and resources once the sequences are set up

More messaging, more content and more connection

Easy to see return on investment

Helps to turn prospects into clients

Email Marketing Automation with AdvisorPR

Struggling With What Content To Share on Social Media or via Email?

We are offering access to our content for advisors to use via Lead Pilot for 7-days completely free (even on our month to month plans).

Get All The Details Here

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