Since launching Twenty Over Ten , it has been our mission to provide beautiful, engaging websites to financial advisors at a price point that was accessible and with design that was unmatched in the industry .
We believe that advisors deserve compelling websites to match their unique brands, and most importantly, to serve as a hub for all their online marketing needs. As we’ve worked with advisors throughout the years since our founding in 2014 we’ve held onto a few of our proudest moments with clients.
We don’t want to brag but … read on to get a personal look at the clients that have inspired us along the way to continue to give you the highest level of service and satisfaction.
Dave Grant, Retirement Matters Illinois
Caroline Leggett, WealthShield & Emerald Investment Partners
Dave McPherson, Four Ponds Financial Planning
Mark Sharp, Financial Planning Done Right
Kirk Lowe, Financial Branding Expert
Jared Hoole, Lakeside Financial Planning
Tom Rizzo, Plectrum Advisors
Dave Grant, Retirement Matters Illinois
Mychal Eagleson, An Exceptional Life Financial
Chad Chubb, WealthKeel
Daniel Johnson, Forward Thinking Wealth Management
Shelly Schell, PRISM Financial Strategies
Larry Heller, Heller Wealth Management
Scott Arnold, IMPACT Folio
Lorri Winkcompleck, Gap Financial
Mark Bare, Golden Pine Advisory
Abby Kovach, Kovach Financial Planning
Brian Bassell, Brassell Wealth and Retirement Planning
Michael Bisbee, Enduro Financial
Thomas Cloud, Third Act Retirement Planning
Ben Muchler, Boston Research & Management
Samantha Scott, Scott Advisory Group
Chris Janeway, Fourth Point Wealth
Jim Tewalt, Estate Planning Solutions
Doug Nicols, Managing Partner, Tru Independence, LLC
John Posey, Plains Advisory
Robert Armstrong, Armstrong Advisors at Summit Financial, LLC
Mary Thompson, Reframe Financial Planning
Jacob Wick, Marketing & Business Development
David Carlson, CFP®, ChFC®, CKA®, MBA, President, Sound Investment Management LLC
Nancy Tani, CFP®, JD, MBA, Retire Secure Financial Planning
Andy Pike, CLU®, CKA®, Financial Advisor, Quo Vadis Financial Management
Jeffrey Stewart, CFP®, CRPC®, Lucid Wealth Planning
Andy Tapparo, Tapparo Capital Management
Ryan Greiser, CFP®, Opulus
Lamar Watson, CFP®, Dream Financial Planning
Kayla Hauble, Client Services Manager, Wealth Management Midwest
Schad TenBroeck, founder, Sequoia Financial
Kayla Hauble, Client Services Manager, Wealth Management Midwest
Brian Malizia, President, Lakeshore Capital Group
Brett A. Koeppel, CFP®, Eudaimonia Wealth
Doug Jones, Chief Operating Officer, Wildes Financial
Nicolle Yates, Wealth Planning Associate at Austin Asset
JB, Financial Advisor in Pennsylvania
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