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By Nicole Skalamera Outreach

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words…How to Use Photos in Your Site to Convey Your Message

5 minute read
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words…How to Use Photos in Your Site to Convey Your Message Featured Image

Visual appeal, coherent designs, and relevant text… These are just some of the characteristics that describe a successful website. Now, think back to the last time you scrolled through a website. How long did it take you to understand the main purpose and message? Did you get an immediate grasp at what the website was trying to portray? I bet a majority of your understanding came from the design and images used on the site, not just the content.

At Twenty Over Ten, we focus on providing websites for financial advisors that are sleek, modern, and portray his or her own unique service. We understand that in the fast paced world of technology, the amount of time users typically spend on a website is very limited- often, as little as 15 seconds! It is important that in those short 15 seconds, your website can:

Appeal to Your Audience through visuals

Capture the Interest of Your Target through appropriate text

Allow for Visitors to Easily Take Next Steps

We believe that every website should be one of a kind. Your site should portray your story and differentiating factor, with unique calls-to-action and tailored information. We treat each website design like a story book- a tale that essentially captures the audience and inspires them to become engaged with the service. That is why we believe, that in those short 15 seconds, the power of a picture and slogan can go a long way.

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How do you define your practice? What key elements make up your service? Every small business is unique, and with the right pictures and small simple text, you can truly portray an appeal that differentiates your financial planning practice. For instance, if your goal is to exemplify to your clients a sense of ease, you may include pictures of relaxing scenery like a sunset on the beach or drifting clouds in the sky. If your goal is portray a sense of stability and balance, you may include pictures of mountain ranges. These simple features immediately appeal to viewers’ senses, enabling them to gain further interest in your site.

As designers, we encourage creativity and “thinking outside of the box.” We ask our clients a variety of aesthetic questions to help get them on the right track in achieving their vision of a perfect site. Our clients choose pictures and slogans for a variety of reasons:

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To portray the surrounding area in which her practice is located.

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To promote a life of healthy living and peace to all of her clients. 

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To share his love of photography to his clients. 

Each message is unique, and it correlates with a high resolution picture- whether it is a large mountain range or a distant blue sea or a wide open prairie. It is visually appealing, with short text that sings to the viewer and resonates with them as they navigate through the page. In just those short 15 seconds, the viewer is compelled to learn more. The viewer is compelled to take action. The viewer is compelled to be a part of the service.

Design is an art, and a picture is worth a thousand words… Learn more about Our Process and take a step toward creating a site to meet your vision today!

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