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By Paige Jones Outreach

Five Little Things For Your Monday: November 5, 2018

7 minute read
Five Little Things For Your Monday: November 5, 2018 Featured Image

Can you believe it’s already November? This time of the year is always hectic as every business is trying to finish out the year strong. Take a step back and catch up on some tips for new social media marketing tools, SEO, and breaking out of a funk in your advisor business. Here are some articles we’ve been FALLing for this week. 🍂

1. 100 Free Marketing Tools to Help Grow Your Business [Infographic] via Social Media Today

The right tools can help you maximize your digital marketing performance with less effort. But with so many tools now available, it’s hard to know which is best for which aspect. Finding the right tools for your advisor business and your goals is 🔑! Check out this infographic from Social Media Today and Crello to find which ones can work best for creating and managing your content!

2. How to Boost Search Rankings Using Only Your Internal Linkings Strategy via Search Engine Land 

Links, even within a website, show relationships between content. They transfer value and importance between pages. Even more importantly, internal links define your website’s structure. They help users to navigate and search engines to understand your website. A healthy internal linking strategy makes it easier for your pages to be ranked, as well as increasing click-through rates and conversion rates for visitors who can find what they are looking for. Boost your SEO efforts with this internal linking rundown from Search Engine Land!

3. The Perfect Trap via Perfectly Planned Content

We can all agree that creating consistent, stellar content is tough. What stumps a lot of us is the need to make everything perfect. Needing perfection is a trap! Just like your business, your content can reinvent, innovate, and change. Content is a masterful tool in the hand of your business. It allows clients, peers, and colleagues to engage with your brand and establish a solid presence in your business sphere. That’s why once you have written something, you can’t let your need perfection stop you from sharing it! Here are her tips for breaking out of this trap:

  1. Finish that sentence. Think about the difference between wanting to do something, and then actually doing it. Both are crucial and valuable steps in the process, but you need to put your thoughts into actions in order to start seeing results. If you wait to post, no one will find your content!
  2. We all have one thing in common: we are all imperfect. We will all make mistakes. The factor that differentiates our mistakes is how we both handle them and learn from them.
  3. Be brave. Putting your content out into the world is not an easy thing to do. With writing comes vulnerability, but with vulnerability comes honesty and truth two traits that are highly admirable in a person and a business!

4. Reaching Your Ideal Client via Top Advisor Marketing

We all want more clients, but the wrong clients can be holding you back from reaching your goals as a financial advisor. On this podcast from Top Advisor Marketing, host Matt Halloran interviews business development expert Susan Danzig. Susan has dedicated herself to freeing her clients from the human condition that causes us to limit our beliefs in our success. After working with hundreds of advisors, Susan recognized that regardless of their level of success, it was her own clients who stood in the way of achieving success.

If you’re looking to set a new tone for 2019, or simply in need of a 4th quarter boost, be sure to listen in today! Susan’s website also has some great resources to get you started.

5. 3 Steps to Recharge Yourself and Your Business via Entrepreneur

Small-business owners have their hands full. Running a business often means you have your hands in every aspect of the company, managing day-to-day tasks and making crucial business decisions all at the same time. Within all of the madness, it’s common to lose sight of the future of your business. Stepping back and recharging can give you huge insight to re-energize you to keep going and can lead to crucial business decisions that transform and grow your business. Here are their three tips:

  1. Make time to make new friends. Meeting other professionals in your industry is essential to keeping you fresh, alert, and inspired by what’s going on outside your daily grind.
  2. Bring in outside eyes. One of the most effective and simplest ways to get a different perspective of your business is to bring in a trusted outsider to help you. They can see things you can’t see!
  3. Schedule unscheduled time for yourself. Busy business owners often feel overwhelmed by even the thought of taking a step back and looking at the big picture of their business. But setting aside time to think creatively shouldn’t be a daunting task if you do it right. Step out of the office and get some fresh air!

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