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By Lauren Keeports Outreach

Five Little Things for Your Monday: February 27, 2017

4 minute read
Five Little Things for Your Monday: February 27, 2017 Featured Image

Learn how your blog can actually improve your email marketing efforts and get the scoop on hiring millennials, plus a ton more! It’s all here in this week’s Five Little Things:

1. The 3Cs to Enhance Your Negotiation Skills via FPA

A new calendar year represents a fresh beginning and an opportunity to think anew about the adviser-client relationship. Financial advisers know that their annual planning conversations with clients may need to address sensitive topics, and the ability to engage clients in potentially difficult discussions is always key to building a successful business. Central to these discussions is the ability to negotiate. The core tenets of negotiating generally, are what we call the three Cs: commitment, candor and credibility.

2. 5 Ways To Nurture Email Subscribers With Your Blog via Forbes

One of the many benefits of having a business blog is using your content to offer value to your email list. You see, cultivating yourWhat are marketing resources for financial advisors? list is what converts your leads from prospects to becoming buying customers. It’s how move your subscribers through the buyer’s journey to create sales from your efforts.

So, it pays to implement nurturing tactics and hone your email marketing strategy to achieve favorable outcomes. Your blog is a strong asset to helping you do just that. We’ve compiled five ways on how you can leverage your blog as a tool to nurture your email list to build relationships, better engagement, improve revenue, and bolster your inbound marketing strategy.

3. 3 Strategies to Nail Before You Launch Your Social-Media Campaign via Entrepreneur Marketing resources for financial advisors

When I talk to small-business owners, they often tell me they’re “doing” social-media marketing. I’m always glad to hear this, but
the way they describe their process reveals they’re unfocused in their efforts. They haven’t truly defined a social-media marketing campaign for their brand and company.

Imagine a general sending his troops onto the battlefield willy-nilly, just striking out at whatever is close at hand. Generals who are serious about the stakes wage campaigns with clearly defined goals.

4. 5 Things You Need to Know About Hiring Millennials via DMN

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 data, there are 83.1 million Millennials in the U.S., comprising more than a quarter of Marketing resources for financial advisorsthe country’s population. This generation — defined by the federal agency as those born between 1982 and 2000 — now outnumbers the Baby Boomer generation — an older age group with 75.4 million members, according to the same data set. Millennials also make up the largest share of the American workforce, according to Pew Research Center’s 2015 figures – just surpassing Gen Xers at 53.5 million versus 52.7 million.

So, what sets Millennials apart from their predecessors? Here are five key attributes.

5. Four trends that will redefine media in 2017 via Marketing Week Marketing resources for financial advisors

From live streaming to interactive outdoor campaigns, Marketing Week predicts four trends that will change the media landscape this year.

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