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By Lauren Beichner Outreach

Five Little Things For Your Monday: December 2, 2019

4 minute read
Five Little Things For Your Monday: December 2, 2019 Featured Image

We made it to the first Monday in December which means it’s time for another Five Little Things For Your Monday article! It’s crazy to think that we are only 23 days away from Christmas! We can’t wait for the Holiday decorations and Christmas cookies! Before you start your week (or maybe your Holiday decorating) settle in to read our top five reads on social selling, best practices for crafting the perfect out of office message, how to find high ranking keywords, the power of storytelling, and how to approach your SEO strategy in the new year.

1. Social Media for Financial Advisors: Social Selling Guidebook via Lead Pilot

Social media is a great tool for financial advisors to use to boost their overall marketing strategy. With 3.48 billion people now using social media, social media selling is more prevalent than ever before. If you’ve never heard of social selling before, this read is for you! Read more to learn all there is to know about social selling to enhance your social media strategy including 10 key tips to guide you into the world of social selling.

2. Setting Your OOO Message: Best Practices via Journal of Financial Planning

What do you want your out of office message to tell people? This might not be something you think about often, but it’s a very important part of your marketing strategy because your OOO message is received by clients, prospective clients, business associates or others. If you want to take your OOO message to the next level and learn best practices for crafting your OOO message, this read is for you.

3. Find Ranking Keywords, Uncover Opportunities, Check Rankings, & More: 5 Workflows for Easier Keyword Research via Moz

Trying to come with high ranking keywords on your own is almost impossible. It takes keyword research to ensure that you are incorporating keywords into your content that will boost your SEO ranking. If you’re just getting starting with keyword research, this article has got you covered with tips and tricks and everything in between.

4. How storytelling bolsters financial plans & client relationships via Advicent Solutions

As a financial advisor, it can be challenging to communicate with your clients and prospects in a relatable and interesting way. This is where storytelling comes into play. Telling a story that clients can relate to that pertains to their finances helps show the value you can provide them to help them with their financial needs. Read more on how to leverage your storytelling to connect with your current and potential clients.

5. 30+ SEO Stats from 2019 to Guide Your Strategy in 2020 and Beyond [Infographic] via Social Media Today

With the next year right around the corner, are you wondering how to approach your SEO strategy? This article has 30 statistics that will help you prepare and plan for the year ahead that you don’t want to miss.